Message from Executive Director

Message from our Executive Director

Master of Ceremonies and board chair Randy smith welcomed everyone to the event.

OTEC’S Annual financial review was presented by JoAnn Sonier-Boyd, OTEC’s board treasurer.

Lorie Mitchell, OTEC’s executive director presented the year 2022/2023 in review of the agency.

Emphasis was on the continued support of the Community and surrounding during COVID years, however we were very grateful to be able to reconnect in person with our community this past year.

OTEC restarted their monthly fundraising breakfasts as well as reopened their kitchen rental service to the community.

OTEC’S employment program continued to seek out potential new employment positions for their participants, as well as giving back to the community through volunteering at various non profit establishments such as the Oromocto Food Bank and the Oromocto Public Library.

Recognition awards were also presented to the following recipients:

CFB Gagetown Base Fire Department – Employer of the year
Debbie Middlemas and Colleen Knowles – 20 years of service
Silvia Keddy – Above and beyond
Finally, Executive Director, Lorie Mitchell officially announced her retirement date of May 31, 2023 after 44 years of dedicated employment with OTEC.


Lorie Mitchell